RiverWise Communities Manual
In addition to building coalitions for conservation, the Alliance coordinates a broad range of on-the-ground restoration programs. The Alliance’s signature BayScapes program, now almost 20 years old, gives homeowners and businesses the information they need to develop landscapes that conserve water, prevent pollution, and create wildlife habitat. The Alliance works with landowners and municipalities to sustain healthy forests and plant trees along streams and rivers – among the most cost effective ways to reduce the flow of pollution into local streams and, ultimately, the Chesapeake Bay.
The Alliance developed the RiverWise Communities Program and this manual to organize and share resources with other governments and NGOs. This manual helps programs that seek to increase awareness and environmental stewardship and to motivate people to do their part – adopt and maintain more environmentally and water friendly landscapes and stormwater best management practices on their own properties and in their communities.
Download the entire Chesapeake RiverWise Communities manual as a PDF by clicking here or the image below.